AFSA’s 17th Triennial Convention will officially kick off July 24. It's time for local unions to start organizing travel plans and making preparations for an event that will shape the future of AFSA.
With the theme “Words Into Action,” the convention promises to be a pivotal moment in advancing our union’s mission. While the full agenda still is being finalized, a tentative convention structure is available to help guide your travel arrangements.
Delegate Allocations
Each local is allotted a specific number of delegates and alternates based on their size. However, locals are not required to send their full complement. You are welcome to bring additional members, staff, guests and companions, with no restrictions on the number of participants. Spouses and companions are invited to attend select events, and they will be included in the registration process.
Opening Day: July 24, 2025
- Check-In: Delegate, alternate and additional attendee check-in will begin at 10 a.m.
- Pre-Convention Workshops: From 11 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., union leadership training workshops will provide valuable tools and insights for local leaders. Multiple members are encouraged to attend different sessions to maximize the benefit for your local.
- Opening Session: The convention officially begins at 5:15 p.m. with an inspiring opening session, setting the stage for an impactful event ahead.
Travel and Hotel Information
- Convention End Date: The event concludes with a delegate celebration gala on the evening of Saturday, July 26, 2025. Plan to depart on Sunday, July 27.
- Hotel Accommodations: Convention hotel rates will be available starting the night of July 22, 2025, for those wishing to arrive early. The special rate will remain in effect through July 29 for those wishing to extend their stay.
- Room Reservations: More details on how to secure your room and complete hotel registration will be shared soon. Be sure to act quickly to secure accommodations for your team.
- Registration: Registration links for delegates, alternates and additional attendees will be available shortly.